What’s essential to know about going to the gym?

What should I wear to the gym?

You don’t need to buy the latest workout gear to attend the gym — just make sure your clothes are comfortable for working out and unless you’re going straight home afterwards, don’t forget a change of clothes because you are likely to sweat.

Also when it comes to trainers just choose something that you are comfortable with. And if you are going to lift free weights, doing squats, deadlifts, lunges, to have stability during those lifts and your shoes should offer improved grip and support so you can work out safely and with greater effectiveness. I recommend you wear flat sole trainers if you are going to lift weights, as this will provide better stability to your foot which is essential when lifting weights. Running shoes are not ideal as most of them have elevated heels and this can keep you off balance while lifting.

What’s essential to know about going to the gym?

  • Make sure you bring a towel. Not only is this hygienic, but it’s also respectful, allowing the person who wants to use the equipment after you to enjoy their experience

  • Be sure to bring a water bottle to stay hydrated at the gym.

  • Put your weights and equipment away when you’re finished with them.

  • Be mindful of using your phone on the gym floor so you’re not taking too much time while you are on a machine. I see a lot of people sitting on a machine and texting during busy times at the gym, remember you are there to train not to message.

  • It’s also essential to choose the time you visit the gym wisely. ‘‘Easy for you to say Dimitar, I work 9-5, I can’t choose the time.’’ Generally speaking in most gyms the busy times are mornings from 6:30 to 8 am, and evenings from 5:30 to 7:30 pm- before and after office hours. So if you can’t train outside of those times sometimes you have to be creative with your workout as some of the machines you might want to use will likely be taken.

  • Classes: If you plan on going to a class, it’s best to arrive 10-15 minutes early to make sure you get a spot, and also to let the instructor know about any injuries or medical conditions you might have.

And remember to mix and try new things at the gym to make sure your workout is enjoyable and it’s a workout that you can stick with.


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