Which diet is best for you?

Do you struggle with your weight and wonder which diet would give you the best results?

The big question is, do diets work? Most do lead to fast – sometimes dramatic – weight loss, but only for the pounds to creep back on again at the end of the diet.

It’s estimated that nearly half of British adults attempt to lose weight each year. Usually after Christmas and/or after the Summer holidays.

There are a lot of aggressive diets on the market. Some diets aim to curb your appetite to reduce your food intake, while others suggest restricting your intake of calories and either carbs or fat. So much information… Where do I start?!?

Relax. Take a deep breath and let’s dive into what works and what doesn’t

Intermittent fasting, Plant-based diets (Vegan and Vegetarian), Atkins diet, The paleo diet, Keto diet, The Mediterranean diet, WW (Weight Watchers)

Are some of the most popular diets out there. So how to choose the one for you? The British Dietetic Association says there's no "wonder-diet you can follow without some associated nutritional or health risk".

At the core of all diets, they try to get you to do one thing, eat less food than you currently are eating and consume more protein. And they do by restring certain types of food, and often adding a ton of benefits to their diet. For a diet to be effective enough so you not only lose weight but you keep that weight off you - you have to be in a calorie deficit.

My advice: Research well the diet you are about to start- and only start it if you think you can live with that way of eating. Because if you can only do it for a certain time, you will lose weight, but when you go back to your normal eating habits you will put it back on.

How to lose weight the healthy way?

We put on weight when the amount of calories we eat exceeds the number of calories we burn through normal everyday activities and exercise. Most adults need to eat less and get more active.

The way I get my clients to stay in top form is by counting their calories with my easy to use app. Because I truly believe that you can still eat the foods you love (in moderation) and make small changes so you eat enough protein and you will have the body that you want.

For more information on how many calories you should be eating get in touch with me for a free consultation.


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