Does weight training make you bulky?

Ladies, you will not put a tone of muscles the moment you pick up a dumbbell. You will not bulk up like men because you have a different hormone profile. Men have more testosterone, which promotes muscle growth. For women, your hormone profile allows you to tone without getting bulky.

I get asked a lot (especially by females) will lifting weights, make me bulky (gain a lot of muscle mass)? Which inevitably changes their physique into what they may view as unattractive.

The answer simply put is NO. And here is why;

Most people who are classified as “bulky” have a higher percentage of body fat, which is the result of eating more calories than the body needs.  Therefore, nutrition is the biggest factor in becoming “bulky”. If you eat more calories than you burn off, you’ll get bigger.

The female bodybuilders you see on TV follow strict diets and training routines, and most of them are on anabolic steroids.

What weight training will do if done correctly is make you stronger!

Lifting weights can also increase your lean body mass, which increases the number of overall calories you burn during the day will be higher.

Remember, as long as you consume fewer calories than you burn daily

You're shaping your body-not making it bigger.


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