Which gym equipmnet is best for weightloss?

First, let’s briefly take a look at how to lose weight.

Losing weight depends on your calorie balance. That refers to how many calories you consume versus how many calories you burn. To lose weight, you need to be in a caloric deficit, that is, burning more calories than you take in. One way to help you create and maintain a caloric deficit is by exercising.

Ideally, you want a well-balanced programme tailored to your goals, abilities and taking into consideration any injuries you might have.

Since some at the gym asked the other day. ‘‘If you want to lose weight and you only had one exercise every time you are at the gym what would it be?’’

So here are two pieces of equipment that you can are good for people of all fitness levels to try are:

1. Rowing
2. Assault bike

Both of these machines are full body. So let’s start with rowing.

Rowing is a full-body workout that uses 86 percent of the muscles.

It burns serious calories without putting added stress on your joints. It allows you to control the movement and pace and is a great exercise for active recovery.

Rowing also strengthens the cardiovascular system, which includes the heart, blood vessels, and blood as well as your lungs.

Consider this for good technique

When done correctly the rowing stroke is comprised of 65 to 75 percent leg work and 25 to 35 percent upper body work. So you have to feel your legs doing most of the work.

The assault bike

Chances are, you’ve already seen an assault bike down at your local gym. They look exactly like stationary bikes, but they feature an oversized fan instead of a front wheel.

Don’t be fooled by the appearance! As soon as you try out an assault bike, you’ll realize that you have to pedal while pushing and pulling the handles at the same time. This allows you to work out your entire body with one single machine. And trust me it’s harder than it sounds.

The pedalling, pushing, and pulling motions works nearly all of the large muscle groups in your body. And, unlike most other machines in the gym, assault bikes are low-impact, so you can feel confident in using them with reduced risks of hip, knee, and ankle pain.

Burns calories at a fast pace, the assault bikes can burn up to 80 calories per minute.

You don’t have to be a fitness professional to start using this machine is another fantastic plus to the benefits. All you need is to get on it and start pedalling, which gives a continuous rhythmic movement so it’s not hard to use at all.




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