Supplements for energy

Before we begin if you have a well-balanced diet, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep you should be able to maintain your natural energy levels. So before you look for supplements I highly recommend doing your best to imrpove your sleep, diet and exercise routine.

There are many supplements that can give you an energy boost, here are my top picks in no perticualr order.

Vitamin B12

Along with the other B vitamins, Vitamin B12 plays an important role in energy production. Aging, eliminating animal products from your diet and diseases affecting the GI tract can all contribute to low levels of B12 and result in fatigue and weakness.

Vitamin B12 is found naturally in a variety of animal proteins, such as meat, fish and dairy products, it keeps your body’s nerves and blood cells healthy and helps prevent a type of anemia that can make you weak and tired

However, there is no evidence that suggests supplementing with B12 — or any of the B vitamins, for that matter — can boost energy in people who have adequate levels. So if you have a well-ballanced diet there might not be a need for you to supplement with B12.


Creatine is a compound that is naturally found in red meat, pork, poultry and fish. It acts as a source of quick energy in your body.

Supplementing with creatine increases your body’s energy stores. This increased energy allows you to train harder and longer. It basically gives you the energy needed for high-intensity, short-duration exercises, such as sprints, jumps, weightlifting, etc. And because you can train harder for longer that can help with the building of lean muscle mass too.

Caffeine With L-Theanine

Caffeine is commonly consumed for its energy-boosting properties in the form of coffee, tea, energy drinks, etc. However, many people avoid it because it can lead to irritability, nervousness, restlessness and a crash after its initial energy boost.

Several studies show, the combination of caffeine and L-theanine may be an easy way to prevent these side effects. And this combination has been shown to improve memory and reaction time plus decrease tiredness and mental fatigue

This is a real good way to improve your energy levels while reducing the negative side effects and jitters.

The Bottom Line

Life can take a toll on your energy levels and for many people, improving their sleep, diet and exercise are not possible all of the time.

There are many more supplements on the market all the supplements on this list have a well-established safety profile when used appropriately.

All the supplements on this list have a well-established safety profile when used appropriately.

But please remember that it’s still best practice to check with your doctor to determine if these supplements are safe for you to use.


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