How to tone up your arms

Truth be told, there's really no such thing as "toning up." Instead, when people ask how to tone their arms, what they’re really asking is how to improve muscle definition and reduce fat.

While the answer is multi-faceted—it includes a closer at your nutrition, cardio and the type of strength training you're doing—you can achieve the look you desire with some simple yet strategic planning.

Let’s make 1 thing clear, I see a lot of people doing tricep exercises to get rid of the fat from the backs of their arms, but it doesn’t work like that. Lifting weights won’t turn fat into muscle. You need to get rid of the fat and do resistance training to tone the muscle. One doesn’t turn into the other.

The only way you can get rid of the extra fat on your arms is to reduce your overall body fat.

I recommend that you walk or run. In my experience, running helps to slim down the upper body due to the large number of calories burned. But if you are not a fan of running, boxing can be a great alternative! I love boxing because it helps me to burn a lot of calories while also toning my arms and even my core. You would usually notice results quickly in the arms and abs with boxing. And it’s great for toning up your arms without bulking.

Resistance or strength training is another thing that is super important if you want to get toned. And it is also great for helping to reduce overall body fat.

You see, you cannot get toned if you don’t build muscle. And you cannot build muscle if you skip resistance training.

It can be any exercise that builds muscle. Selecting lighter weights and sticking to 12-15 repetitions per exercise will help you tone up without bulking up your arms.

And last but not least, to reduce the fat on your arms, you have to burn more calories than you consume. Since you already know that you should do resistance training and cardio, let’s focus on what you should eat so you can tone up your arms.

If you want to lose fat, you need to eat enough protein. I’ve talked about why protein matters with the fat loss a lot, but here are the basics: 

  • Protein helps you feel fuller for longer, so you’re less tempted to overeat.

  • Protein helps you recover after your workout.

  • Protein boosts your metabolism.

Other things you can do when it comes to diet are

  • Cut out alcohol.

  • Cut out processed food.

  • Drink plenty of water!

    DG 💪


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