Stay slim this Christmas

  1. Stay active, get outside
    Exercise is the single best way to keep your weight stable over the Christmas period. And I know you probably don’t want to go to the gym on Christmas eve. But sitting on the couch after eating lots of chocolate isn’t going to help.

    Being a bit more active daily can help burn off the extra calories and be rolled into all the festive fun.
    “For example, an energetic boogie around the Christmas tree will burn up to 195 calories per half hour, while ice-skating, whether indoors or outdoors, will burn up to 165 calories per 30 minutes and really tone your thigh and calf muscles.” Unless you are someone like me who can’t ice-skate.

  2. Ditch that festive latte
    They might taste good, but those special Christmas coffees with flavours such as eggnog and gingerbread can clock up a staggering 500 calories a time. For example, Starbucks Peppermint Mocha Latte made with whipped cream and whole milk contains 507 calories – the same as a McDonald’s Big Mac.

    Meanwhile, a Caffè Nero Praline Latte, with semi-skimmed milk, contains 11 teaspoons of sugar - Whaaat? Yeah, that’s right – nearly double the World Health Organisation’s recommended healthy intake of 6 teaspoons per day.

    Drinking a festive latte every day throughout December could add an extra 3,500 calories per week to your diet – equivalent to a pound of fat extra weight by January 1st.

  3. Stay hydrated
    Sip water regularly throughout the day. The more hydrated you are, the fuller you’ll feel and the less food (calories) you’ll want to, or be able to, consume.

    Plus, sometimes our body mistakes thirst for hunger. So the more water you drink, the less thirsty you’ll be and therefore the less likely you’ll be to pick at calorie-filled Christmas treats.

  4. Think before you drink
    When you’re at Christmas events where you know the alcohol will be flowing, try some simple strategies to slow down the rate you’re drinking, so you guzzle less over the course of the evening.
    Good tricks include: alternating your alcoholic drinks with soft ones, drinking spritzers (wine diluted with soda) or starting the night with a refreshing booze-free mocktail. Alternating each alcoholic drink with water will also slash your calorie intake by half.

  5. Eat more Protein
    When your blood sugar is high you produce more of the hormone insulin, which encourages you to store fat. Eating more protein helps stabilise your blood sugar levels reducing fat storage and also keeping food cravings at bay. So make the most of all those high protein festive snacks, such as nuts, cheese, cold ham and turkey.


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