How long does it take to lose 10 kg?

To Lose 10 kilos is not as easy as it sounds. Especially if you want to do it without putting your health at risk. In this article, I will give you the key to achieving it in the shortest possible time.

Weight loss is usually one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions, if not the most.

But the excess of motivation that is usually given on these occasions sometimes leads us to try to reach our goal as soon as possible.

Very often people go on very aggressive diets that can be dangerous for the human body since losing weight can be achieved in many ways (loss of water, muscle, bone). But what we are looking for is to reduce fat.

So how to lose fat, not just weight?

You have to create a calorie deficit- meaning you should reduce the food you consume and increase exercise and active life. A calorie of 500 calories seems to be the sweet point for most people to burn body fat but maintain muscle.

To minimize the loss of muscle exercise is imperative.

Therefore, strength and aerobic exercise will be the best ally to lose 10 kilos, as well as increase daily physical activity.

Following these guidelines- being in a calorie deficit of 500kcal daily and doing strength and aerobic exercise the ideal will be to lose weekly between 0.5 and 1 kg of fatty tissue. Therefore, to lose 10 kilos of fat and improve the body composition will be necessary to spend approximately 3 months working to achieve it.


Stick to Your New Year's Fitness Resolutions


Stay slim this Christmas