How to tone up your legs

Strong legs will not only help you walk, jump, and balance. They also support your body and let you enjoy everyday activities. If you want to avoid injuries, make sure you train your legs on a regular basis!

3 Power exercises for strong legs!

  1. Squats.

    The squat is called the king of all exercises for a reason! It is one of the best exercises to tone your legs. It also sculpts the butt, hips, and abs. Back squat, front squat, goblet squat, body-weight squat, there are so many options you can choose based on how experienced you are and your fitness level.

    Even if you can’t do a bodyweight squat, you can use TRX for balance or extra support, or you can perform your squats standing alongside a wall or next to a chair while you are at home with one or two hands on the object.

  2. Lunges 

    Lunges work your thighs, butt, and abs. This move uses both legs at the same time, making it a great exercise for working on any imbalances you might have between your legs.

  3. Deadlifts

    The deadlift will sculpt your butt, hips, and upper legs. I highly recommend you hire a coach to teach you how to perform deadlifts. I learned the hard way that you can get injured doing deadlifts if you think you can read how to perform deadlifts online and go straight into the weight room. But if you are taught how to perform the exercise properly the benefits are countless! Make the investment; it’s worth it!

5 activities to tone up your legs

  1. Walk more!
    Walk whenever you can. As you get stronger, you can try jogging. Or you can add walking to more of your day and start walking up hills.

  2. Indoor cycling
    This is one of the fastest ways to tone your legs. It’s a high-intensity workout, but it’s easier on the joints than jogging or running.

    Always adjust the bike as needed. When you pedal while you are on the bike, your knee should be able to extend fully. This will prevent injuries and painful positions.

  3. Swim
    Swimming is great not only for your legs but for the whole body. It’s super easy on joints, yet you burn a fair amount of calories since you use your legs and arms at the same time. And it’s great to clear your mind and feel at peace.

  4. Dance

    Dancing, as we know, is super fun and a great way to tone your legs. You can take a class or follow videos at home. There are many types of dancing, including salsa, hip-hop, and line dancing. Choose your favourite, but if you decide to do it on a night out, bare in mind how much alcohol you consume because if you drink or eat too much, it won’t matter how much you dance. You can’t outdance a bad diet!

  5. Jump rope

    Skipping also sculpts your leg muscles. It works mainly on the bottom of your legs- the calves while increasing your heart rate. 

    To start, jump rope for 20 seconds straight, then rest for 20 sec. And try to go a little longer every workout.

    Good luck, and let me know how you get on.

    Yours truly,


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