How to get a summer body in 2022 (step by step)

Now that public spaces are reopening, Summer 2022 feels like a new opportunity for fun after lengthy lockdowns. Whether you're going on a long-planned vacation, spending afternoons at the beach or just stopping by the local park in your neighbourhood, this year is special because you can finally get out and do something.

I’m eager to talk you through how to get a summer body fast, especially as the summer months are approaching.

Step 1 - Stay Hydrated

The best way to get in shape for summer is to take it one step at a time. Bottom line. We’ve all fallen into the trap of fad diets, and we all know that the results we get are short-lived.

Keeping yourself properly hydrated should be the first step on your list when learning how to get a summer body! Did you know that quite often when we feel hungry we are actually really thirsty and if you drink water the hunger almost disappears?

How much water should I drink?

The short answer is around 2-4 litres per day. This is a safe amount and certainly enough to maintain a good level of hydration. If you have a high activity level, then you should stick to the higher end of this amount.

Step 2 - Summer Body Diet

This is the area where you need to focus the most! This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t commit to a summer body workout routine, which we’ll go through later in this article. It means that nutrition is the first aspect to nail and the one that has the most impact.

With diets my advice is always- it needs to be sustainable to work!

Just be sure to control your calories, macros, and portions, to make sure that you’re getting the nutrition that you need.

Eat from small plates (smaller plates = smaller portions)

  • Calculate your calories on the nutrition app myfitnesspal or from nutrition labels

  • Always have a cup to hand when meal prepping (measure out your portions)

  • Avoid getting larger meals when eating out - don’t double up on meat!

  • Last but not least on the list of must-have foods in your summer body diet are foods rich in protein!

Step 3 - Summer Body Workout

In our summer body workout, you should ditch the long duration cardio in favour of HIIT and strength training, as I believe that this will get you the results you want to see and help you in learning how to get a summer body fast (and healthily!).

If you’ve got into the habit of eating well, then working out alongside this will help you to see results much faster. You’ll also burn more fat as you build muscle mass, and your body will appear more toned.

Try doing one 20 minute HIIT session alongside a 30-40 minute strength workout at least 3-4 times a week, and you’ll see exactly what I mean.

As long as you’re working on your nutrition too, you really can’t go wrong here.

Step 4 - How to Get a Summer Body - Get Some Sleep!

Getting your full 7-9 hours of sleep is vital when learning how to get a summer body fast. Without getting to bed at a reasonable time, the process of losing weight and/or getting fit slows down a lot!

When you don’t get enough sleep, two of the hunger hormones in the body called ghrelin and leptin are influenced.

In the case of sleep deprivation, your body creates less leptin but more ghrelin than usual. This causes a spike in your appetite.

However, if you make a real effort to get to bed earlier and rack up those sleep hours then you’re no longer in danger.


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