Can squats reduce belly fat?

You’ve got to work your whole body to burn fat. Sadly there are no exercises that can target a specific body area to burn fat. While any strength-training workout will help you do that compound moves like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses require moving multiple joints and muscle groups, burning more fat and building more calorie-torching muscle. So today we are looking at squats and how and why squatting can help you reduce belly fat.

While squats primarily develop strength and power, heavy squats increase your lean muscle mass, which increases your ability to burn calories at rest over the course of the day. Squatting itself remains a difficult exercise, and the effort of squatting heavy consumes a great deal of effort and burns calories in the process. Even after your workout is done your body still burns calories to recover from the heavy squat and that helps you to trim the annoying belly fat.

Squatting requires a great deal of effort, and the effort remains directly proportional to both the weight you use when squatting and your training volume. Over time, this increase in caloric expenditure will lead to an increase in body fat loss, as long as your diet is in order. Let me make something very clear. You can squat heavy all day long, but if you overconsume drinks and food, you cannot expect to make progress. You can’t outwork a bad diet!

The method by which you train will play a role in how much fat you can burn. Following squatting, your metabolism increases, as well as your levels of testosterone and growth hormone. Both hormones help you maintain lean muscle mass while dieting and burn fat. By increasing both through training, you can cause your body to burn a little extra fat.

Lifestyle factors such as stress, sleep, and relaxation are also important because they affect your hormonal system, which controls nearly every process in your body. So it is crucial that you have sufficient rest between your squat days.

So get under the bar, start squatting, have a healthy diet and learn to more effectively manage the stress you have, and be willing to cut things out of your life that are constant unnecessary stressors.


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