Fitness is not about being better than someone else, it's about being better than you used to be.

Fitness is an incredibly personal journey. We all have different goals, 
different bodies, 
different lifestyles, 
and of course different limitations (injuries). 

One thing that unites us all is the desire to be better.

Striving to better our personal bests is the right attitude to have when you set your goals. 

It's not about being the strongest girl 
the strongest guy in the room. 

It's about pushing to be a little bit better than you were yesterday.

When we focus on personal progress, we're able to celebrate our own achievements and progress, rather than feeling discouraged by comparing ourselves to others. It's important to remember that everyone's journey is different and progress may come at a different pace for different people.

So, next time you hit the gym, forget about the competition and focus on your own personal progress. Grab your gym shoes, set your goals, and let's see how far you can go! Remember, progress not perfection is key.

In conclusion, fitness is not about being better than someone else, it's about being better than you used to be. It's a personal journey and progress should be measured by the individual's own improvement rather than comparing oneself to others. So, focus on your own journey, your own goals and objectives, and celebrate your own achievements!


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