Christmas Fitness Tips

Christmas is approaching fast, and we all tend to digress from our usual diets, and as a result, we gain a few extra pounds. Excessive eating and drinking is undoubtedly the main cause for our additional festive weight gain, and when you add the lack of physical activity due to spending too much time on the table, you end up a bit heavier at the end of the Christmas celebrations.

  1. Get your workout done while everyone else is still asleep! This way, you will avoid remarks like “Oh, come on! It’s Christmas… Don’t be a gym rat.”

  2. Drink A Lot of Water: I know I keep repeating this, and that’s because it works! Drinking water can satiate your appetite and keep you hydrated at all times. And it will also prevent a possible hangover when you overdo it with alcohol.

  3. Select your treats: Set realistic diet plans! Refraining from some of your favourite foods will only make you want to eat more. It’s a good idea to choose something that you can only enjoy exclusively during the holiday season you, something you really love (again- small portions) instead of having some random treats just because they are on the table.

  4. Get Out of The House: Yes, the holidays are a family affair and planning outdoor activities where everyone is involved, like a long walk after a particularly heavy meal, for example, could be great for everyone! And it’s so much better than sitting on the sofa watching Home Alone for a 100th time.

  5. Drink in Moderation: it’s is best to regulate your drinking since alcohol or mixers like coca cola or lemonade will only add more calories to the ones you have already eaten!


Fitness is not about being better than someone else, it's about being better than you used to be.


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