How Fitness Improves Mental Health

We all know how important exercise is for keeping us physically healthy. But did you know that exercise can also help you be mentally healthy?

Doctors advise that taking up exercise reduces the risk of developing mental illness. It also seems to help in treating depression and anxiety.

Why does exercise make us feel better mentally?

I often have days when I don’t feel at my best. I’m stressed or things aren’t going my way. Doing some sort of activity really helps me enhance my mood.

Even if I have a super stressful day, and I don’t want to train, even when I feel like not doing anything I still drag my ass to the gym or I go for a walk, or I go cycling.

When I train my brain puts things into a perspective. And as soon as I finish training I feel like a King!

Also, this is one of the sure ways to gain confidence. Because confidence comes from our ability to keep promises we make to ourselves. Confidence comes from winning. And one of the easiest ways to win is to complete the workout that you said you are going to do at the gym.

This is the one place where you can get an ‘‘easy’’ win. You are winning simply because you are showing up and doing the work. And yes I might make it sound easy. It might feel like you are dragging your ass through hell. But you will feel good about yourself almost immediately after your workout.

Exercise decreases stress hormones like cortisol. It also increases endorphins—your body's "feel-good" chemicals—giving your mood a natural boost.

Simply put, those who get more exercise may become less affected by the stress they face. So, in addition to all the other benefits, exercise may supply some immunity toward future stress as well as a way to cope with current stress.


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