Building Self-Respect

Discipline and self-respect go hand-in-hand. They grow from keeping your promises, even when things get tough or out of your control. Life is full of unpredictable challenges, but your ability to stay committed to what you said you’d do is what sets you apart.

I keep rereading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, a Roman philosopher, and it his book he compared discipline to being a rock. A rock doesn’t change shape, no matter how much it rains, gets kicked, or thrown. It stays solid because that’s its nature. The same applies to us—when we commit to something, it’s like signing a contract with ourselves. We owe it to ourselves to follow through, no matter the obstacles.

How to Build Discipline:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Know exactly what you’re promising yourself.

  2. Stay Consistent: Do it even on hard days. Repetition builds habits.

  3. Accept Challenges: Understand that life will throw obstacles your way, but it’s about how you respond.

  4. Hold Yourself Accountable: Treat your promises like a contract that you can’t break.

By practising this mindset, you’ll gain discipline and self-respect, which will help you handle whatever life throws your way. Stay strong, stay steady, and keep moving forward!


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